Heather Currier Hunt, IDEO’s Senior Global Director of Learning & Development shares how she survived the loss of her toddler daughter, what resilience truly is, and the power of storytelling.
Here are my top three takeaways from our conversation:
Resilience is not about being a superhero. Resilience requires being human and vulnerable. It’s about asking for the help and support you need to make it through a challenging situation. It’s about focusing on small steps that will ultimately transform you. Who will you reach out to help you move forward?
Connect for Real. When confronted with a loss or setback, connecting with people is one of the best first steps you can take. Social media is not connecting. Social media tends to trigger more feelings of comparison than real connection. Create rituals and agreements with your friends and family to build a support system and routines. What structures can support you during a challenging time?
Loss is not something to get over. After experiencing loss, do not expect to bounce back to who you were. Such experiences often transform our perspective and result in personal growth, new identities and a few scars to remind us of how much we have overcome. How have losses and setbacks shaped your identity?
Mojo Mondays Bootcamp is here to show you what’s possible in your life. I hope these notes and my weekly MOJO coaching tip at the end of the interview help you find and activate your Mojo to move closer to what matters most to you.